don't postpone joy

Friday, July 22, 2005

sign, sign, everywhere there's signs...

If you love someone and they lie to you, they do not love you.
If someone betrays you, forgive them, but don't give them lodging.
If you are out of the country for a month, helping helpless people, and you come home to a peck on the lips, and a mountain of very bad circumstances, he did not miss you.
If an adult has no money, that's a shame.
Don't do drugs.
When you see red flags, that means danger.
Please consider the feelings and the hearts of the people that love you.


At 22 July, 2005 20:55, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Sounds like a sucky bienviendo, but welcome home, babe! Hope the trip was fantastic - it's a great thing you do.

At 22 July, 2005 21:23, Blogger daisyduke said...

i can barely even think about the trip now. sucky bienvenido hardly scratches the surface...

At 22 July, 2005 23:24, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Sorry to hear it. Your pain although stated so succintly, spoke volumes.

I hope somehow tomorrow is WAY better!

At 23 July, 2005 09:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and there's no such thing as "unconditional"

At 23 July, 2005 13:56, Blogger daisyduke said...

that is unfair, ron.

unconditional does exist. i didn't just turn the love off. but it is aparent that i am the only one capable of taking care of me. of protecting my best interest. unconditional does not include betrayal and lying.
unconditional does not give anyone license to use someone who only wants good things. who only wants to help. who only wants an equal partnership. who only wants the same in return.
you are not anonymous. i know exactly who you are. please don't come here anymore.
it's the least you can do.

At 24 July, 2005 02:41, Blogger Unknown said...

wow wee..sounds like you got the short end of the relationship daisy..sorry to hear that..i could come out and fuck him up for you..for you i would do long as you helped me get rid of the body..sleezes dont deserve to live..with good people anyway..send him back from whence he came..

At 24 July, 2005 19:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back

At 24 July, 2005 22:55, Blogger daisyduke said...

I can't begin to tell you the extent of the betrayal etc...what I can tell you, is that any sort of negative energy won't prove productive to anyone. won't fix his problems or mend my broken heart.
thanks for the welcome home, though.
dusty, you should come out here, anyway. we'd have more time for fun without worrying about hiding a body, anyway :0)

At 24 July, 2005 23:10, Blogger daisyduke said...

i said anyway in two sentences in a row...i should proofread

At 25 July, 2005 06:48, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

It's okay, anyway.

At 25 July, 2005 07:46, Blogger Eddie said...

Ron is a person who lives by lies. He's good at convincing you otherwise, but he's really only out for himself. His entire existence is a lie, and you should not believe anything he says. E-mail me with questions if you like.

At 26 July, 2005 14:33, Blogger Chick said...

Sorry to hear you had such a crap ass home deserve better.

Thanks for all the great advice.


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